Mythemes of Knowledge Tracing Narrative Grammar with Computational Methods
Semantic analysis is a close field of research to the one that interests us here the most. I tested the wonderful tool by Clément Levallois on his website, visualizing the semantic network in...
The French Committee for Open Science – and here the texte concerning the legal situation concerning Text Mining (in French).
Heurist is very useful a database management software for humanities and social sciences. This link collection is primarily created as Work in Progress for the research database Mediators of the North, but might be...
What is a mytheme? When my 10 year old son came to ask me this question some year ago, I paused for a moment to consider how I could explain in simple terms to...
As I am sometimes asked how I visualize a map of mythemes with the network visualization program Gephi, here a very short step by step tutorial. Some details may vary in the future as...
During the Open Access Month, Ludovic Strappazzon and Thomas Mohnike present the Mytheme Laboratory and the ideas that inspired its creation. November 10. In French. The Webinar can be replayed at the pod...
Mythemes of Knowledge publishes the research notes of the international research group of the same name, providing insights into our ongoing work and latest findings. As a project, we aim to map the evolution...
Map of 52 frequent mythemes without central protagonistes.
Thomas Mohnike is speaking at NorLit2021 on Mythemes :
Le jeudi 9 décembre à 18h, l’axe Dynamiques Transnationales et Transculturelles d’IDEA (InterDisciplinarité dans les Etudes Anglophones) et le groupe de travail sur les Mythèmes du Nord ( organisent un séminaire de recherche consacré à l’impact...
Le vendredi 25 juin, les groupes de recherche IDEA (Interdisciplinarité dans les Etudes Anglophones) et le CEGIL (Centre d’Etudes Germaniques Interculturelles de Lorraine) organisent une journée d’études consacrée au thème suivant: Nord magnétique :...
Coef > 0.6. CSR > 1.2. High Betweenness Centrality = Bigger dotes. Force Atlas2, Labeladjust – thanks to Gephi ! Same image as svg.